
About M.S.O.



In accordance with the resolution adopted at the Mediterranean Lions Conference held in Tunis on the 7th March 1998, the Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory is established .

Purpose and objects

The objects of the Observatory shall be :

  • To promote the diffusion of lionism in the Mediterranean area
  • To promote the diffusion and knowledge of different cultures as an expression of a common origin and history
  • To express a common vision of lionism representing it at competent offices of the Association
  • To encourage information flows among the member Countries reegarding initiatives and activities implemented
  • To stimulate a twinning programme among clubs of the two sea shores of the Mediterranean basin
  • To develop a youth exchange programme among youth of the mediterranean area
  • To support initiatives for the protection of the environment
  • To create a partnerchip with Mediterranean universities and university institutes so as to encourage the creation of scholarships and stages for students and recently graduates
  • To support the Organizing Committee of the Mediterranean Conference through consultation, and by proposing themes for discussion and provide any other topic to be included in the Convention Agenda.